viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

13 cosas EXTRAÑAS que solo VERÁS en Australia – Demasiado Loco ...

      Another anecdote is when I was in the Lake Disppointment I started to walk and I got lose, I tried to come back, but I didn´t find the way, so I decided to walk by any way. And I found the path!!

I´ve got luck!!
Hi people!

In this entry I will talk about the anecdotes of the trip to Australia.

      When I was in the Adelaida Zoo I was hearding music on my mp4, and when I was looking at the crocodiles one started to move and I panic, so i let go the mp4 into the cage. I really miss my mp4!

Se tiró a un estanque con cocodrilos, fue atacado por los animales ...

The 27 Best Free Things to Do in Melbourne

Qué hacer en Sídney más allá de la Ópera | IATI Seguros

Hi, people!
In this entry i will talk about the cultural places that i visted in Australia.

1. Sidney: in Sidney I went to the Opera House and to the Sidney Port.

2. Melbourne:I went to the Royal Botanical Garden of Melbourne, that has got aboriginal plants of australia, and to the Ferderation Square, a contemporary public square.

3. Adelaida: I went to the Adelaida Zoo and to the Adelaida Botanic Garden. And to the Kangaroo Island.

4. Esperance: I just went to the beach, there are kangaroos.

5. Darwin. I went the Museum and Art Gallery of Northem Territory, a museum of rock art and fossils.

6. Townsville: I just went to the Big Reef Barrier.

Un adolescente, procesado por torturar y matar diecinueve canguros ...

Hi, people!
This entry will be about the money that I will spend in the trip of my dreams: a trip to Australia. The budget of the trip includes the food, the airplane and other buys.
I was 11 days in Australia, so I’m going to do this for days:
Day 1: I took the airplane, a fly with Iberia for 1000 Euros, Madrid-Sidney, for go and return. I spend 5 Euros at MacDonald’s. I stayed at the hotel “The Steel Guitar”, for 100 Euros the night.
Day 2: I stay in Sidney all the day. The breakfast was free in the hotel; I ate a salmon on a restaurant for 35 Euros, and I didn’t have dinner because I had bellyache. I stayed in the same hotel the second day (100 Euros).
Day 3: I went to Melbourne by bus, for seen the views, it was 80 Euros. I only ate 3 apples (2 Euros) because I was ill still. I stayed in a hotel called Redditch, for 100 Euros.
Day 4: I went to Adelaida by bus, it was 45 Euros. I started feeling bad in the bus, so I didn’t eat anything, again. I stayed at the hotel Kangaroo, for 120 Euros.
Day 5: I went to Island of Kangaroos, for enter in the park it was 40 euros. I ate in a restaurant for 22 Euros. I travelled by train at night to Esperance, for 20 Euros.
Day 6: I stayed all the day in Esperance. I spent 23 Euros in food.
 Day 7: I was all the day in a train, Esperance- Darwin, 40 Euros. I was a half of hour in Lake Disappointment, I ate for 15 Euros.
Day 8: I stayed at Darwin all the day, I ate for 25 Euros. I stayed at the hotel Barrow, it was 123 Euros.
Day 9: I took a train, Darwin-Townsville. I spent 12 Euros in food.
Day 10: I stayed in Townsville all day. I spent 16 Euros in food. I went to the Big Reef Barrier, it was 200 euros for stay in the barrier and go there by ship. I slept in the hotel Groote Eylandt for 145 Euros.
Day 11: I returned to Sidney for 34 Euros during all the day. The train stopped in Brisbane. I lunch for 12 Euros. I took the airplane at 3 o’clock in the morning.

Total money: 2234 euros.

welcome to my blog

       I´m Nanne and I´m from Spain. This is my trip´s blog.
In the first entrade I will talk about the trips of my dreams.

      There are many places that I wont go.One of this is Australia.
I think the world is an amazing place for travel.

      Another anecdote is when I was in the Lake Disppointment I started to walk and I got lose, I tried to come back, but I didn´t fi...